Category: Bird

11 Things Only Bird Owners Understand

Pet birds have many characteristics that we all know…and are completely amazed by. They possess the magic of flight, they're incredibly intelligent, and they can be absolutely hilarious. There are certain things about birds, however, that only bird owners can truly understand. Some of those things are gush-worthy (like the first time your bird hops onto your shoulder) and others are downright disgusting (all the poop), but all of those things contribute to the joy that is bird ownership....

How to Teach Your Pet Bird to Talk

Some species of birds have an amazing talent for vocalizations. If you have one of these species, you might feel eager to teach it to talk but not know how to get started. Follow our guide to learning how to teach your bird to vocalize and pick up words. Get to Know Your Bird Olga Alferova / Getty Images The first step to teaching your bird to talk is to bond with your feathered friend and form reasonable expectations of it....

Ten of the Best Vegetables to Feed Your Parrots

These ten vegetables are wonderful for your parrot! And with so many choices, you have the opportunity to give them the variety they deserve and the nutrition they need. Variety is the spice of life and adding these vegetables to your nutritional arsenal will only benefit both you and your flock. All of the properties of these vegetables apply to humans as well so be sure to include these vegetables in your diet for the same nutritional benefits....

Vasa Parrot: Bird Species Profile

The Vasa Parrot is a medium-sized gray parrot that hails from Madagascar. The Vasa Parrot is about the same size as another gray parrot, the African Grey, but the Vasa Parrot's body shape is much different. Owing to its particularly long neck, smallish head, long legs, long feet and long rectangular tail, the Vasa Parrot is sometimes described as “so ugly its cute....

Bourke's Parakeet (Parrot): Bird Species Profile

Bourke's parakeets are an excellent introductory bird for those new to hookbills or parrots; they have a calm demeanor and can entertain themselves. They are quiet birds that are ideal apartment dwellers and are equally suited for individual cages or small aviaries, where they are excellent partners for finches and cockatiels as well as other Bourke's parakeets....

8 Top Quiet Pet Bird Species

By nature, birds can be quite vocal. Wild birds call out to their flocks to let others know of their whereabouts or alert them to predators. Still, bird species-and individual birds within species-have varying noise levels. Although no pet bird will be completely silent, several aren't prone to making much noise....

How to Train Your Dog to Be Around Pet Birds

Whether you already have a dog and you are considering a pet bird, or you already have a bird and are considering a pet dog, it will take a bit of work to integrate them into the same household. While it can be a challenge to train dogs and birds to get along, it is possible as long as you are patient and always make provisions for the safety of each animal....

Zebra Finch (Chestnut-Eared Finch): Bird Species Profile

There are many finch species, but one of the most popular kept as a pet is the zebra finch. This species is hardy and relatively easy to care for. It is an excellent choice for a first-time bird owner. Zebra finches are typically kept in pairs and entertain themselves without a lot of interaction with their owners....

A Guide to Pet Budgie Birds

The little budgie bird is one of the most popular pets in the world, ranking just behind dogs and cats, and it's no wonder. This affectionate, cute bird is small and inexpensive, and if trained properly a budgie can mimic human speech. The origin of its formal name―budgerigar―is a mystery, but by any name, this little bird is a charming companion for most pet owners....

Sickness in Pet Birds

Many new bird owners may not know the symptoms of bird sickness, and birds are often good at hiding them. There are a few tell-tale signs you should watch for to have the best chance of saving your pet from a life-threatening ailment. If your bird exhibits any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible....

8 Top Blue Parrot Species to Keep as Pets

Although green is a dominant color in many parrots, you still can find several pet birds with beautiful blue feathers. Blue parrot species range from small to very large in size and come in powdery light blues to deep indigos. Some of these birds simply have flashy blue markings while others are predominantly blue....

Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Rose-Ringed Parakeet): Bird Species Profile

A beautiful bird, the Indian ringneck parakeet is a very popular pet. It may not be right for everyone because it requires a lot of attention and care, but it is a very social bird and can become an excellent companion for the entire family. These birds love to talk and enjoy a good challenge, which makes training a ton of fun....

A Complete Guide to Keeping a Pet Parakeet

The budgie, or parakeet, is among the smallest of the parrot species commonly kept as pets. They are also the most popular pet bird by a large measure, due in part to the fact that they are quite affordable. These small parrots are exceedingly friendly and easy to tame. While they can sometimes be difficult to understand, they are also quite capable of mimicking human speech....

8 Top Green Parrots to Keep as Pets

Green is a dominant color in many parrot species around the world, including those frequently kept as pets. If you've spotted a green parrot, you can identify the bird by its size, feather pattern, and more. Some green parrots have additional bright colors mixed into their plumage while others have more subtle markings....

The Basics of Healthy Bird Poop

Most bird owners have heard that it's important to monitor their feathered friend's droppings for signs of illness. However, it can be difficult to determine exactly what is "normal" when it comes to bird poop. It might seem gross, but analyzing your bird's droppings for color, texture, and other factors can go a long way in keeping your pet healthy....

8 Top Friendly Pet Bird Species

It's no surprise that many people want a pet bird that is friendly, gentle, and well-suited to being a companion. These traits are even more important for people with limited pet bird experience. It's easier to bond with and care for an animal that has a naturally friendly disposition, rather than one that tends to be timid or aggressive....

10 Tasty and Healthy Treats That Birds Love

Sharing a meal with your bird can be a wonderful bonding experience, but did you know that it can also benefit your pet's health? Many bird diets lack certain vitamins and minerals that birds need, which can lead to a host of serious health conditions. Feeding your bird a healthy diet does not have to be costly or time-consuming....

8 Top Large Parrots to Keep as Pets

Large parrots are well-established as popular pets. While they're fun to have around the home, there are some key points to know before taking one on. These birds are intelligent and get bored easily if not offered enough mental stimulation. Moreover, inadequate social interaction can lead to behavioral problems and even illnesses....

Why Do Birds Pluck Their Feathers?

Birds pluck their feathers for several reasons. In the wild, they use plucked feathers to line their nests during the breeding season. Many bird feathers also come out as a bird performs its normal preening and grooming routine. Feather-Picking Problem Behavior In captivity, a plucking bird can be a sign of veterinary or environmental problems....

Cockatiel: Bird Species Profile

A cockatiel is a popular choice for a pet bird. It is a small parrot with a variety of color patterns and a head crest. They are attractive as well as friendly. Due to their smaller size, cockatiel care and taming are easier than other parrot species. They are capable of mimicking speech, although they can be difficult to understand....